Awards / Exhibitions/ Publications
Brukmer Golden Award - Photography Category
FEP European Book Prize of the Year Award 2017
Prix de la photographie de Paris -Honorable mention
Award NOMINATED 2016
German Photo Book
The Alfred Fried Photography Award for the world's best picture on the theme of peace
One Eyeland Photographer of the year
One Eyeland Photography Awards 2015 GOLD
Unicef Photo of the year award. Honorable mention
Nippon Foundation - Tokyo - 06/11/18 to 13/11/18, Indoor, 36 pictures - Solo
Athen Photo Festival - Benaki Museum - July 29 th 2018.
Residence of the French Ambassador - Bogota - April 2018- Solo
Parlement Francophone Bruxellois, Bruxelles, 13/06/17 - 28/06/17, indoor, 40 pictures - Solo
UNESCO, Paris, 13/06/16 - 20/06/16, indoor, 40 pictures - Solo
Belgian Parliament, 15/11/15 - 29/11/15, indoor, 11 pictures- Solo
Maison du Hainaut, Belgium, 13/11/15 - 11/12/15, indoor, 20 pictures - Solo
Maison de la Laïcité de La Louvière, Belgium, 09/10/15 - 30/10/15, indoor, 40 pictures - Solo
Unseen Photo festival - Amsterdam Nederland, September, indoor, 25 pictures - Solo
Halles St Gery, Bruxelles, 04/06/15 - 27/07/15, indoor & Outdoor, 40 pictures - Solo
UNITED NATIONS, Geneva, Palais des Nations, MARS 2015, indoor, 30 pictures - Solo
Human Acts, Place de la Monnaie, Brussels, March 8th, 2015, Outdoor, 8 pictures - Solo
Hotel de ville d'Ath with UNICEF Belgium, November 2014, 2014, indoor, 40 pictures - Solo
Pirmassens photo festival, Germany, October 2014, indoor, 10 pictures - Solo
Province du Hainaut in La Maison de la Culture de Tournai, Belgium, March 2014, indoor, 40 pictures - Solo
Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Monkole Hospital, Kinshasa, June 2014, 30 pictures - Solo
Place des artistes, Kinshasa, DRC, March 2014, one month, outdoor, 50 pictures- Solo
Congo Loisirs, Kinshasa, DRC, 26 February 2014, outdoor, 50 pictures - Solo
WHITE EBONY - Edition Lammerhuber
“While we continue to receive shocking reports of killings and attacks against persons with albinism, these photos send a message of hope and encouragement for all those who work to improve their lives.” Said Flavia Pansieri, UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights.
WE THE CHILDREN - Edition Lammerhuber
In poignant photographs from 45 of the world’s best photographers the anniversary volume on 25 years of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child creates a wake-up call to respect the rights of the children in this world.
A book in cooperation with UNICEF and GEO.
Medium, "Una mente Maravillosa", UNICEF Guatemala, January 2019,online
Deuxième Page, Interview avec Patricia Willocq, France, online
Shoot Magazine, "Look at me I am beautiful", October 2015, Belgium, 2 pages
Bored Panda, "Children Born Of Rape Pose To Show That They’re Beautiful And Can Be Loved Too", September 2015, Online
Foto Pro Germany, "Look at me I am beautiful, Alfred Fried Photography Award 2015", November 2015, Online + 2 pages
La petite Gazette, "Sa photo, Nobel de la paix 2015", October 2015, Online + 1 page
Shoot Magazine, "Look at me I am beautiful, Alfred Fried Photography Award 2015", October 2015, Online + 4 pages
Radio France Inter, "Et la meilleure photo au monde sur le thème de la paix est...", September 2015, France, Online.
Austrian parliament webpage, "Wir müssen unser Mitgefühl globalisieren", September 2015, Austria, Online
Der Standart newspaper, "Das "Friedensbild 2015" – Misstrauet der Idylle!" September 2015, Austria, Online + 1 page.
RTBF radio, La Première, "Afrik Hebdo Program 07/03/15", march 2015, Belgium.
Unicef Congo's blog: Pona Bana, march 2015, Congo, Online.
La presse News paper, "Look at me I am beautiful: La vie après le viol", mars 2015, Canada, online + 1 pages.
France Inter, Autopsie d'une photo, "Viol de guerre: Look at me I am beautiful, un projet photo contre les stéréotypes", février 2015, France, Online
Shift Magazine, "White Ebony", December 2016 Austria, 8 pages
Africa Positive, "White Ebony - The book", November 2015, Germany, 1 page
Chaeg Magazine, "White Ebony", December 2015, China, 8 pages
La petite Gazette, "Blanc Ebène, une expo qui secoue les préjugés", October 2015, Belgium, Online + 1 page
L'Avenir newspaper,"Une expo qui secoue les préjugés", Octobre 2015, Belgium, 1 page
Bellisima magazine, "La beauté cachée", Septembre 2015, DRCongo, 4 pages
The Independent on Sunday, "Photo book of the week", August 2015, UK, 2 pages.
Die Press, "Wider Stigmatisierung", July 2015, 1 page.
Der Standart, "Bücher - White Ebony book review" July 2015, Austria, 2 pages. _
Taz, "Wie weißes Ebenholz", July 2015, Germany, online.
La Première RTBF, émission radio "Le Monde est un village", July 3d 2015 Belgium
La Première RTBF, émission radio "Bande de curieux", June 16th 2015.
Radio Panik, émission "Afropean echo", June 8th 2015.
Radio Okapi, "Patricia Willocq publie «Blanc Ebène ou Wite Ebony» pour sensibiliser sur l’albinisme", juin 2015, Congo, Online + emission radio.
United Nation Human Rights , "White Ebony", Mars 2015, Online.
Go see "Edition Lammerhuber Päsentiert zum ersten "Internat Tag Des Albinismus" am 13 Juni 2015 das Buch White Ebony samt Ausstellung in Brüssel", Germany, online.
Jolie magazine, "In Afrika Gelten Menschen mit Albinismus oft als verflucht, müssen Sonne und Öffentlichkeit meiden. Doch Fotos aus Dem Kongonachen Jetzt Hoffnung", June 2015, Germany, 2 pages.
Jeune Afrique, " Vrai ou Faux. Tout savoir sur les albinos", Mars 2015, Online
Kin Event Magazine, "Blanc Ebène, interview avec Patricia Willocq", December 2014, Belgium, 2 pages
Unicef book "We the children", November 2014, Germany, 8 pages.
L'Avenir newspaper,"Le regard blanc ébène de Patricia Willocq", Novembre 2014, Belgium, 1 page
HuffPost Voces, "Documento: niños en el mundo, sufrimiento y esperanza", October 2014, Online
Agora francophone, "RD Congo, Un double Vision de l'albinisme", Octobre 2014, France, online
No télé, News, TV, October 2014, Belgium
Corbis Blog, "We the children", October 2014, U.S.A, online
L'Avenir newspaper, September 2014, Belgium, 1 page
Huffington Post, June 2014, online
L'Avenir newspaper, "Blanc ébène, de Patricia Willocq", June 2014, Belgium, Online
L'Avenir newspaper, ,"Blanc ébène, de Patricia Willocq,"written edition, June 2014, Belgium, 1 pages
L'Avenir newspaper, written edition, July 2014, Congo DRC, 1 page.
Biba Magazine, June 2014, France, Online
Impact Magazine , May 2014, France, 2 pages
RTNC, Journal télévisé, Mai 2014, RDC
Viral Spell, "This Is The Most Wonderful Picture Of An Albino Baby You’ve Ever Seen… It Is Out Of This World!", April 2014, Online
View magazine, Stern, April 2014, Germany, 2 pages
Optimum Magazine, March 2014, "Noir ou Blanc, l'Ebène reste beau", Congo DRC, 1 page
Jeune Afrique, march 2014, Congo RDC, Online
Pona Bana, Unicef Congo DRC, April 2014, "Blanc Ebène",Online
Pona Bana, Unicef Congo DRC, March 2014, Congo DRC, "Tous les enfants, qu’ils soient noirs, blancs, bleus ou verts, ont les mêmes droits", DRC, online
Pona Bana, Unicef Congo DRC, March 2014, Congo DRC, "Blanc ébène – Célébrons ensemble la différence", Congo DRC, online
RFI, radio, February 2014, RDC
La Libre Belgique newspaper, February 2014, Belgium, 3 pages
La Libre Belgique newspaper, February 2014, Belgium, online
RDC Society, February 2014, Congo DRC, 4 pages
LOOK'iN, Janvier 2014, Congo DRC, 6 pages
PHOTOLINE, December 2013, Turkey, Cover + 4 pages
FOTORITIM, September 2013, Turkey, Online
CORBIS Images Agency, September 2013, USA, Online
American Embassy Newsletter, September 2013, Congo, Online
6 MOIS Magazine, July 2013, France, Online
Inti Illimani, Album: "La Maquina del Tiempo", June 2012, Chile
Tuğba Özay, Album: "Üç Nokta", June 2011, Turkey
Kin Event Magazine, "Matumaini", December 2014, 2 pages
Impact, French Embassy Magazine, September 2014, 15 pages + cover
AFD, "Monkole and Ngaliema: Two referral hospitals in DRC", Online + exhibition
Elle Belgium Magazine, July 2014, "Tatiana Silva à l'Unicef, une marraine en formation", 3 pages
Le Soir Mag, May 2014, Belgium, 2 pages
GEO, January 2014, Germany, 1 page.
BILD DER FRAU, January 2014, Germany, 1 Page
MOTHER&BABY magazine, December 2013, Turkey, 1 page
MEGALIFE MAGAZINE, "Seda Ertan interview", January 2012, Turkey, Cover + 4 Pages
TIME OUT, "Getting INTI-MATE", Inti Illimani June 2012, Turkey, Online
ELITE MAGAZINE, " Tuğba Özay interview", June 2011, Turkey, Cover + 4 Pages
HAFTA SONU," Tuğba Özay interview", June 2011, Turkey, Cover + 4 Pages
GULAYLAR, Tuğba Özay interview", June 2011, Turkey, Cover
THE NATURE CONSERVANCY, April 2010, U.S. – Finalist in photo competition
GEOGRAFICA, May 2006, Chile – Publication about Pink Flamingo of Chile, Cover +2 pages
GEOGRAFICA, October 2005, Chile – Winner of photo contest of Geografica, 4 Pages